On August 11, 2023, arranged by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), Chairman Mr. Mofiz Chan of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Professionals Association made an informal visit to the Bursa Malaysia Berhad in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Additionally, he had discussions with the Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC) and two local securities industry associations, namely the Association of Stockbroking Companies of Malaysia (ASCM) and the Association of Corporate Finance Advisers of Malaysia (ACFA). During the visit, President Chan inquired about the impact of the recent reduction in stock stamp duty on the local market and explored opportunities for learning from the world's largest Islamic finance hub. This exchange brought significant benefits to professionals in both regions as it marked their first direct engagement.
2023年8月11日,經馬來西亞對外貿易發展局 (MATRADE) 安排,我以香港證券及期貨專業總會會長名義到馬來西亞吉隆坡的馬來西亞證券交易所(Bursa Malaysia Berhad)非正式訪問,另外同馬來西亞伊斯蘭國際金融中心 (Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC))和當地兩個證券業團體交流the Association of Stockbroking Companies of Malaysia (ASCM), Association of Corporate Finance Advisers of Malaysia (ACFA) 。我向當地就1)近期調低股票印花稅為當地市場帶來什麼影響?2)為世界最大的伊斯蘭金融學習。這次交流為兩地業界從業人員首次接觸帶來莫大裨益。