
Clarification statement of Initial Coin Officering (ICO) about suggestion to 2024/25 Fiscal Policy

2023/12/1 0:00:00

December 1, 2023


Clarification statement of Initial Coin Officering (ICO) about suggestion to 2024/25 Fiscal Policy


We found that many English media reporting to our suggestion to Financial Secretary of Hong Kong SAR about ICO issue. We would like to make clarification statement.


As a trade union, we have no definite plans or regulated suggestions on Initial Coins Offerings (“ICO”) to Hong Kong financial markets. We understand that only back in 2017, the Securities and Futures Commission issued a statement on ICOs, highlighting the fact that the number of initial coin offerings had grown, both in Hong Kong and in many other locations. There is no specific Hong Kong legislation or Hong Kong regulation of ICOs now. We brought out the issue just to ask whether there are any updates or progress from the authorities.


Hong Kong Securities and Futures Professionals Association


Relating artcile (In Chinese language only)







本會是工會組織,本會對香港金融市場的首次代幣發行(“ICO”)沒有明確的計劃或受監管的建議。據本會了解,早在 2017 年,證券及期貨事務監察委員會就發布了一份關於 ICO 的聲明,強調了香港和許多其他地方的首次代幣發行數量有所增長的事實。香港目前沒有針對 ICO 的具體立法或監管。本會提出這個問題只是想了解有關部門是否有任何更新或進展。








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